A lot of my friends asks,why do you adopt the name 'THE PRIEST' when writing?. But do we know that God himself have called us this name: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of !darkness into his marvelous light.

Why then do we fall short of this auction?
It is a question every believer should begin to ask in his heart. Am quite sure even if the heavens and the earth pass away, his words will never go unfulfilled.
It is time we all start occupying the heavenly auction God has given to as many that believes in his son.

God has called his children to legislate and stand in gap between he and the world, instead we have decided to join in the complains of the world.
Families will continue to suffer from demonic oppression, governments will continue to suffer depressions and regressions, professions will continue to suffer in penury until believers recognize their priestly offices.
The world needs us to be right cause we are the light. And without this light darkness will continue to roam over the earth.

THE PRIEST is not a title, it is a reminder that we as believers are to stand in gap between the sons of men and God, legislating over territories and wavering high the flag of God.
Can we lower our heads,bend our knees, raise our voices in prayers as intercessory priests, so that the lord again would revive our land and heal us.


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